Friday, March 8, 2013

Fresh Friday

It's Friday!  This has been my first full week back at work since the Snowpocalypse that hit Kansas City the last two weeks.  I have to say, it has been nice to get back to a normal schedule.  Snow days are fun, but since my job is scheduled out with students each hour, missing a day or two really throws a wrench in the works.

Fresh Friday!

Again, I can't say enough how much I love this link-up.  It is so easy to get caught up in the negative, stressful happenings of the week.  Doing this link-up causes me to take a look at the last 7 days and find 3 things that were fresh.  Fabulous.  Fantastic.  Fun.

So, even if you aren't a blogger, even if you don't post it anywhere but in your mind, please join me in conjuring up 3 things that made your week fresh.  I would love to hear what yours are!

Dinner with friends + hot yoga.  I love both so much and I always say I should do both more often.

L has been eating fruit like crazy this week!  He loves to help slice and prep, too.  He even tried celery this way!  Kid tip: let your kids help out with fruit and veggie prep and they will be more likely to try the foods.  L requested a piece of celery to chop and then popped a piece in his mouth!  He didn't love it, but at least he tried, right?

Fresh spinach, tomatoes and avocado are making my week.  YUM!

Join the link up here.

Tell me your three fresh things from this past week in the comment section below!

Don't go yet!  Click here to enter to win a moisture-wicking, super soft Manduka eQua fitness towel.  Perfect for hot yoga, Pilates, cycling...wherever you sweat!

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