I just love meeting friends in the blogging world.
Over the weekend I made a new friend.
She posted a comment on my post.
Then I went to check out her blog.
Turns out Deanna has a fabulous idea to offer ad space for $1 and that $1 goes to help out in Moore, OK.
So, I am taking that idea to this blog.
For the month of June you can purchase ad space on my blog for any amount. If you have $1, $5 or any amount to give, that will buy you ad space! The entire amount will go to the Red Cross Moore, OK Tornado relief fund. No amount is too small (or too big) so give what you can.
You can donate directly to payphonesandtypewriters [at] gmail [dot] com at PayPal or use the same address to email me for more information.
Thank you so much for considering a donation to this cause!
God bless you!